Lohse Mahariel

com done by @PantheraMads

Birthday: 18 Kingsway 9:07 DragonPronouns: She/herRomance: LelianaClass: Dual Wielding Ranger

Personality: Impulsive, Aloof(ish), Confident, Opinionated, Modest, Reckless(only with herself), Ambitious, Self Destructive

Lohse became a hunter's apprentice at the age of 15 and received Ghilan'nain's vallaslin at age 20. She spent the majority of her free time with her childhood friends Tamlen(they both have feelings for each other but never knew/acted on it) & Merrill(when possible) exploring the area where the clan had settled. She always enjoyed the chance to explore the surrounding area, no matter the reason, but her favorite things to do were to go swimming(even just sitting by the water) and foraging. She also enjoyed helping care for the clan's halla and listening to Hahren Paivel's stories. Although she looks chronically annoyed and worried, Lohse had a very happy and loving upbringing with her clan/guardian Ashalle, and grew to be a very confident and skilled hunter.

At 23 years old Lohse was conscripted by a grey warden named Duncan and forced out of her clan for her own safety after being infected with blight sickness when she and Tamlen(who disappeared and is presumed dead) found a blighted eluvian in a cave. As she unwillingly travels west to Ostagar, her clan heads north to escape the blight and the scorn of the nearby humans.

After Lohse and Alistair are rescued from the tower of Ishal by Flemeth, they're tasked with gaining allies to help stop the Blight as the last grey wardens in Ferelden. During her quest to end the Blight, Lohse grieves the loss of her clan and struggles to process the trauma/ aftermath of the events that led to Tamlen's disappearance and her conscription. Lohse also struggles with taking care of herself(sleeping/eating enough) and loses her sense of self-preservation(she intentionally fighting recklessly/engages in dangerous behaviors).

While Lohse was cold to all her companions at first, she was especially cold to Leliana because of her ties to the Chantry. Her attitude towards the bard began to change during their time at Redcliffe when she saw how her Mabari, Onion, trusted and enjoyed her company. By the time they reached Kinloch Hold, nearly three months into their journey, Lohse considers Leliana a good friend and begins to realize her feelings for her. By the end of their third month of traveling Lohse and her companions wait out a storm at an inn after helping Levi at Soldiers Peak; during this time Leliana confesses how she feels and they begin dating.

While traveling through the tunnels to Soldiers Peak Lohse learns about the Calling and her fate as a warden in the deeproads from Alistair. Lohse becomes angry and scared, learning that the "cure" Duncan promised her was a lie. Overwhelmed by her fear of the deeproads she decides to let Avernus live to continue his experiments to possibly stop the Calling as long as he does so ethically.
In this state of desperation Lohse also drinks Avernus's alchemical concoction and gains the "power of blood" abilities. As her journey continues Lohse begins to use her new abilities as a crutch to the point it begins harming her in battle more than the person she is fighting and soon after she stops wearing her bracers/gloves to have easier access to her blood.

After gaining allies using the Grey Wardens treaties and healing Arl Eamon, Lohse and the party head to the Landsmeet in Denerim to bring light to Lohgain's actions and to unite Ferelden against the Blight. After gaining support from the nobles, Lohgain is killed for his crimes and Lohse takes Alistair's advice, making Anora queen.

As Ferelden prepares for the fight against the Archdemon, Alistair and Lohse learn the truth about why wardens are vital to ending the blight from the only other Warden who will make it to the battle. While he assures them he will be the one to kill the archdemon as the oldest warden, Lohse still insists on taking the killing blow herself.
After returning to their rooms Lohse finds Morrigan waiting to speak with her. Morrigan tells her she knows about how a warden must sacrifice themselves to end the blight but she knows a ritual that will ensure everyone's survival. While Lohse initially refuses to agree to ritual, knowing itll come at a great personal cost to her friend, Morrigan is able to convince her after asking if she would put Leliana through the experience of losing a loved one like she did with Tamlen.

Multi Warden AU

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Lohse is also part of a Multi Warden AU with @royaIelfroot's Surana, Letta. She was given to the Circle by her parents after she showed signs of magic at 5/6 years old and became close friends with Jowan. She and Jowan comforted each other when living in the Circle was difficult and fantasized about leaving the tower. While Letta is a talented mage(passing her harrowing at 18 years old) and could have eventually had a position that would offer her more freedom, she began to realize how truly unhappy she was and how much she wanted to escape Kinloch Hold with Jowan. At 22 years old, Jowan tells her of his plans to escape and Letta joins him but when they are caught by Knight Commander Gregor and Grand Enchantor Irving, Jowan reveals himself as a blood mage and escapes. Before she can be punished for aiding a blood mage, Letta is recruited by the Grey Warden, Duncan. While she is excited to be free from the Circle, she is overwhelmed by sadness and grief(that presents itself as anger) over losing her closest friend and assumes he died trying to escape. Before heading to Ostagar, she and Duncan travel to the Brecilian Forest where Lohse is conscripted.

This AU has two versions, the "angsty/insane" timeline, and the "healing" timeline. While both timelines are similar in the events that happen(leaving their original romances for each other and both drinking Avernus's potion) in the angsty timeline Letta/Lohse are never able to heal from the trauma they went through and live out the rest of their lives controlled by their fear of the Calling. When they leave to search for a possible cure, they slowly lose themselves becoming increasingly fearful and willing to do whatever it takes to find a cure but, eventually, disappear and are never seen again. No one is sure what happened to them but, likely, they succumbed to the Calling or fell in battle after relying too heavily on blood magic.In the "healing" timeline they still leave in search of a cure, but unlike the angsty timeline, they process/accept what they went through and are not fueled by desperation or fear. They help each other find things that are worth living for and cherish the time they have together even if they are unable to find a cure. Whether they find a cure hasn't been decided but if they aren't able to find one in time, they would face the Calling unafraid and head to the deeproads hand in hand.

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